Zelle: 512-653-9872
Venmo: @stationmountainbikepark

Note: Our shop sells everything from tires to Red Bull to pedals. There are dozens of items to purchase. Come see our shop in person!

Also, we are cashless. We only accept card unless cash is the only thing you have.

Day Pass*: $50

Under 11 Pass: $25

2024 Season Pass: $400

Spectating or Hiking: FREE

Camping*: $13

Premium Camping*: $25

Cabin Access*: $50

Rental Bike*: $50

Rental Insurance*: $15

Rental Gear: $20

Merchandise: $30

*Pedaling, shuttling, weekday, weekend, half day, or full day, the price is always $50.

*This is the cheapest rental rate in the nation! All bikes are a Norco Sight A2. Watch me ride mine here.

*This includes access to filtered water and porta potties. Private, quiet, forested camping is offered as well with the field camping.

*This includes additional access to electricity and/or showers and toilets. Text 512-653-9872 if you plan on using this bathroom.

*Come sleep in one of the beds at the 3-bedroom cabin at Station Mountain. Kitchen included. Text 512-653-9872 if desired.

*This covers all bike damages.